The Kite Runner is the story of two boys Amir and Hassan and their life story. It begins with Amir in 2000 living in San Francisco when receives a call from an old friend, which causes him to flashback to his childhood. Amir's father is very wealthy and Hassan's dad works for him. Amir and Hassan are best friends and have been since birth. A big event in Kabul is kite flying. They will duel in the till one person is able to cut the others string. And Hassan is able to run down the cut down kites with ease. At the annual kite competition Amir and Hassan win using the kite Hassan got for his birthday. When Hassan runs down the last kite the cut, older boys stop him and rape him because he won't give up the kite he got for Amir. Amir witnesses this but does not do thing to stop it. When they return home niether mention anything about it. Amir reacts badly to it and tries to get his father to fire Hassan and his father. Amir's father refuses, but in the end Hassan and his dad leave.
Years later Amir is married and learns that Hassan was killed. And that Hassan was actually his brother and that his son is in Afghanistan. Amir decides to go and rescue him. In the end he is able to bring the boy back to the U.S. and adopt him.
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