Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reaction to Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run is a movie about a girl named Lola who goes through a series of events three times. Each time something changes that changes the outcome. Everything she does is to help her boyfriend who lost 100,000 marks. In the first outcome they try to rob a grocery store but Lola end up getting shot and killed. In the second outcome her boyfriend Manny is hit by a car and dies. Finally in the last outcome they are able to recover the money and are able to stay together.

This whole movie revolves around the fact that Lola was late to pick up Manny from a money drop. It is so important for everyone to be on time in this movie. All the events that transpire are effected by time. From this you could tell that in Germany time is very important to them. Them seem to take time very seriously, you need to be sure you are where you need to be at on time. Whereas here in the United States all time seems to be flexible. When a time is set it seems to change and no one is ever on time. It is just not as important as in Germany.
A common cultural bridge that I noticed was the clothing. Both the people in Germany and the United States wear Western style clothing. Most people were wearing jeans and t-shirts. It seemed that most of what they did was very western influenced. One difference that I did notice was that their cars were smaller than the cars we have here in the United States. They were not driving around in giant SUVs. They are the same amount of people but a smaller amount of space, which means they need to have smaller cars.
This movie was very good. I liked to see three different endings. It was cool to see how things change and are effected by time and our choices. I would recommend this movie to anyone, especially teens.

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