Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reaction to the Bet Collector

The Bet collector is a movie about a Philippine woman who goes around collecting bets for an illegal game called jueteng. It is a game that the poor locals rely on to get money. Most of the movie is her going around and getting bets from all of her friends for the game. In the movie you never get to see how the actual game works. This movie ends with them at some sort of celebration where the main character gets shot in the arm.
This movie may have been set in the Philippines but the numbers they used were Spanish. The reason for this is that the Philippines used to be colonized by the Spanish. Even though that was quite some time ago they still left their mark on the country. This can show how parts of different parts of cultural can stay in a country even after an extended period of time. 
Where they were in the Philippines was poverty stricken. Some people lived in shacks made from ruble. That is something you just do not see here in the United States. We have poverty but not to this point. I have never personally seen a make-shift village. It also seems like our government helps people who are in need and there was not any for these people. 

Something that is common in this movie with most other places was the corruption in the police force. Even though they are meant to stop the illegal gambling they still participate in it. In one scene the main character is taken to the police station and while there she takes bets from the officers. You see this everywhere there is always things on the news about someone being corrupt. And there is no exception in this movie. 
This was not the best movie. There was not a strong story line, making it hard to follow. The whole time I was waiting to see how the game was played and it never was explained.

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