Little Otik is a movie based on a German folk tale. A man and a woman longing for a child create a child for themselves. One day while out removing a tree the father pulls up a root and envisions a child. He puts a finish on it and gives it to his wife. She also sees a baby and starts treating it so. They fake a pregnancy and take the wooden baby home with them. Over time the wooden baby comes alive and eats a lot. All it does is eat and eat and eat. After a good amount of time the baby eats their mailman. Overtime he also eats other people. The only person outside of the family that sees this is a little girl living next door. At one point they realize the horror of what their "baby" had become. They lock him in a basement in an attempt to starve it. The little girl them takes it upon herself to feed it. In the end a woman in the apartment building kills it with a garden hoe.

There were not many aspects of the German culture shown in this movie. One thing I did notice was the different foods that they ate. It seemed like they ate a lot of soups and things that looked like mush. Something that was similar to the United States was the idea of an ideal family. They all want to have a husband, wife and kids. The longing for a child is what drove these people mad. It was something they wanted so badly that it was able to take over everything in their lives. Their thoughts, their actions, everything.
This was one of the weirdest movies I have ever watched in my life. The story was weird and something we just don't see very often.It could have been considered a horror story. The technology in this was sub-par. Clay-mation was used for the baby and it was not done well. I did not enjoy this movie. It was nice to learn about a German folk tale but the way it was presented was not enjoyable.
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